
Created by Yvonne 2 years ago
I was talking to Jim tonight, I told him about the night about 3 weeks before you left me when we danced to Ken Booth, I would give everything I own, it was on a playlist and you got up from the chair in the kitchen held out your hand to me and started to do reggae with me like we always used to, what a beautiful memory that is.  We always danced together and you used to love to get sexy as we called it.  How I miss dancing with you, when I go the E57 i get quite sad when certain songs play because we would of got up and danced,  You were a fantastic dancer I loved to watch you you could sing as well had a lovely voice.  OMG Roger how I miss so many things we did together, even sitting watching telly you used to crack jokes and make me laugh.  I miss you so very very much how am i supposed to carry on without you my life is empty without you.  I wish i could magic you back and just keep you safe forever.  Love and miss you my love my life my everything. xxxxxxxx